Sunday, 29 March 2009

Some good sightings at Wallington Hall 29/3/09

Today, all the family decided to go out to Wallington. As we parked the car and went to pay to get in, a nuthatch was feeding right at our feet. Got some shots and then moved to the feeding station. When we arrived at the hide, we knew that we wouldn't be able to see much as there were about 15 people in the hide. Luckily, after 5 mins, some people moved off so we grabbed a spot. There was 30+ chaffinches in front of us. 10+ greenfinches, 2 coal tits, and 6-7 blue tits. As the time moved on, a GS Woodpecker came and starting feeding. It was a lovely sight so close to us, but it soon went back to the trees. Just as it left, a buzzard flew over the hide so I ran out to get some photos. A bit later on, we had a fantastic surprise. A pair of brambling came out of the trees and starting feeding. The male on the ground and the female on the seed feeder. After those lovely spots, we left the hide and went over to the gardens to see if we could see the kingfisher. No luck, however a robin was feeding about a metre away from me so I couldn't resist some photos!!
GS Woodpecker Brambling: Top - Male. Bottom - Female Robin Common Buzzard
GreenfinchCoal Tit


  1. Some tremendous photos there Jack, a good day indeed.

  2. Nice shots indeed Jack. I especially like the Nuthatch on the ground.
    Good spot Wallington.
    Brambling are my favourite winter visitors. I seem to think they have been thin on the ground this year.


  3. You definately have a wonderful talent for photographing birds.Excellent

  4. Thanks for your comments everyone.
