Yes, I'm still here! My school work has left me no time at all so this is my first blog for ages! Me and my dad went to Druridge Pools on Thursday to look for the male ruff that had been reported. After talking to someone who had just left the hide who said it was there, we were pretty confident. When we went in, we couldn't see it straight away so we waited and after 10 minutes it popped it's head out from behind the plants. It didn't move from there and it wasn't in a very good place for photos so I moved to the other side of the hide for a better view, but just as I did it began to walk out from behind the plants and it walked straight in front of us providing great views and photo opportunities. We watched it for 30 minutes before moving on. As we went past Cresswell, we stopped and watched a sedge warbler next to the road in the reeds. Again providing brilliant views. Last stop was St. Mary's. Very quiet at the moment with just sand martins providing any sign of life. However, it was a good day none the less.Ruff