Brent Goose looking at the camera!
A blog of bird sightings and photos of birds from the north-east of England and beyond.
Friday, 28 November 2008
Big Waters and St. Mary's Lighthouse
Today I went to Big waters then to St. Mary's. What a day! At big waters we went in and wandered around and we flushed out a fox in the field and it ran away. I got a photo of it as it looked at us. After that we looked on the lake. There was some wigeon and some teal but they were miles away so I couldn't see how many. As we were looking a kestrel flew over the top of us. We cracked on to the bird feeders and saw chaffinches (6), blue tits (4) and a great tit. We left there and on the way back we noticed some little birds in the trees and there were 3 Siskin. There was also female reed bunting and a sparrowhawk being chased by crows.
After that we left and went to the lighthouse. We started by going to the lagoon but only the teal and wigeon again... or so we thought. As we moved around the lagoon, out flew the Brent goose! We decided to follow it but it flew out to sea and out of sight. Then we went down to the beach and found some extraordinary waders such as: turnstone (10+), sanderling (20+), redshank (2), oystercatcher (1), dunlin (10+) and 1 amazing purple sandpiper. Nearby, on the rocks, we saw a big black thing which was the brent goose and it was very close. I managed to get really close and got some amazing photos. On the way out we saw 2 bar-tailed godwits and 20 sanderling and the beach. So a fantastic day!
Brent Goose looking for food
Purple Sandpiper
Great Tit at Big Waters