Monday 3 October 2011

Wonderful Wheatears 3/10/11

I went down to St. Mary's this evening to see if I could find any yellow-browed warblers but I was stopped halfway on the golf course by 3 wheatears. I lay in the grass for 30 minutes gradually edging closer to one of them but it flew before I got close so I thought I had missed my opportunity. However, I lay a little longer and about 10 minutes later, this beauty popped up in front of me, providing wonderful views. As I watched it I wondered whether it was a greenland race or not? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  1. Hi Jack - they're first-winter birds, tricky to assign them to subspecies without a good size comparison. But their arrival with other eastern birds (Y-brows, Redwing, Brambling, etc.) suggests more likely Scandinavian than Greenland.

  2. Hi Jack, we met at the Pallas's Warbler last year. Nothing to do with the wheatears but I was wondering if you would be able to tell me who you ring/used to ring with. I am very keen to do it but can't find a trainer. Drop me an e-mail at
